I changed my font at thecutestblogontheblock.com

"I will not leave you as orphans. I will come to you."
John 14:18

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Summer Sale #2

We had our 2nd fundraising sale Friday and Saturday. Our Ohio friends donated most of the things for us to sell. We set out thinking that if we raised $300 we'd be pleased. Unbelievably we made $941.91! It was so apparent to us that God was in control. People were coming from everywhere wanting to talk about God and adoption--two of our favorite subjects :)
Today, after our Sunday afternoon nap, we heard a knock on our door. It was a lady (Gloria) we met at our sale yesterday. She has fostered dozens of kids and adopted SEVEN. She bought a ton of stuff at our sale and after talking to us about our love for children, said she'd pray about us fostering someday and reminding us that "we can't get past God." Anyway, awesome lady. So, the knock on the door...it's Gloria. How about she had her car full of stuff she wanted us to have for our next sale! God continues to amaze me. It's no accident that Gloria and we met this weekend. Praying for one another, helping one child at a time. So, I guess we'll have another sale --eventually :)

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