I changed my font at thecutestblogontheblock.com

"I will not leave you as orphans. I will come to you."
John 14:18

Monday, October 25, 2010

Echo Cardiogram Update

We just got home from seeing the pediatric cardiologist. He said everything looked "structurally normal" and that what was done today was a great screen for major heart defects--and he found none. That's the good news. The news that has me worried and caused me to cry uncontrollably for 20 or so minutes was this: there is fluid around Frogger's heart. He called it "trivial" but it doesn't feel trivial at all to me. He said there is about 1mm of fluid around the heart at this time.

Here is a summary of what happens next:
* He wants me tested for some specific antibodies in me that can affect the baby. The same antibodies, passed to me from my mother, were likely (so he says) to have caused my congenital heart block.
* I am going to have another ultra sound in two weeks to be sure that there isn't any other fluid gathering in baby's tummy, lungs or any other place.
* In four weeks we go back to the pediatric cardiologist to be sure that there isn't a gain in fluid around Frogger's heart or that the fluid has gone away.

I need to focus on these facts: major heart defects have all basically been ruled out, the fluid right now is very slight and most importantly God is in complete control of this and every situation.

Please pray that no other fluid is found and that the fluid around the heart dissipates (or at the very least does not grow).


  1. I know (from personal experience) how hard it is to get news about your unborn baby. But you are right. Major heart defects have been ruled out AND God is in complete control.

    Praying for you guys. Love you.

  2. Big hugs and prayers for you, Justin, and Frogger. God is good, all the time. Love you!

  3. ***hugs***

    I will be thinking of you guys! I know how scary that can be.

  4. Lots of love to frogette! I know she will fight through this!
